Shift the Balance in Your Mind

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.

The Positive Intelligence App grows your three core mental fitness muscles within six weeks. Breakthrough app delivers personalized daily practices that result in powerful new habits for a positive mind.

Imagine yourself able to remain calm, clear headed, stress-free, and positive even in the midst of handling work and life’s greatest challenges. What becomes possible for you, in achievement, in peace of mind and wellness, and in your relationships?

Make a commitment now to boost your mental fitness.Reach out to enroll

Enroll Today: PQ 8 Week Program App Only

Includes In-App Daily Training & unlimited App use for 1 year

Payment Plans Available

Want to increase your experience 10x as much growth as you would with just the app?

Select our 3 Month or 1 year PQ Program to include even more support on your journey!

 Why work with Authentically Connected Coaching® PQ program:

  • Additional Coaching Sessions together to help maintain goals and progress after the app program has completed

  • Weekly 1 hour video sessions lead by the creator, Shirzad Chamine

  • Weekly 30 min coaching mini sessions with your coach to help answer any questions, guide through the practices & help sustain enthusiasm for daily practice

  • Exclusive App guiding your daily practice (all are short less than 2-3 mins so every day touches are attainable)

  • Interactive App PQ Gym

  • Daily Progress Tracking

  • Daily Supported Journaling Exercises

  • Continued access to PQ Positive Intelligence App for one year

Exclusive access to the PQ app that supports your daily mental fitness exercises, coach challenges, and journal. You are also able to watch the weekly video sessions when they are released each weekend.

A judge free space to give you the time you need to become the best, most positive version of yourself

We believe in this program so much we offer a money back guarantee if not happy (or realize this isn’t the best time for your journey with PQ) within the first 2 weeks of starting the program. We believe in your success and want the best for you! At any time during the first 14 days of the program simply send us a one-sentence email: Full refund please! And you'll receive it within 48 hours. No questions asked.  

Why does this program work?

PQ program vs. traditional training

Traditional training and development tends to have short-lived impact for 3 reasons:  

  • Focus on insight rather than muscle. For example, the insight that being frustrated isn't helpful doesn’t automatically lead to you not feeling frustrated. That would require mental muscles to shift brain activation.

  • Treating symptoms rather than cause. For example, teaching you techniques of active listening to improve empathy will have temporary impact if your deeply-seated Judge Saboteur is not exposed and intercepted.

  • No common operating system. Since each training you attend uses a different framework—the 7 steps of managing conflict, the 5 secrets of managing time, etc.--the frameworks compete for mindshare and all fade away.

Through extensive factor analysis research, PQ has identified the 10 root-level negative factors (Saboteurs) and the 5 primary powers (Sage). This enables a common operating system.  

Increase your awareness

Saboteurs can be our “go to” behaviors with negative messages we tell ourselves. Learn how to redirect these thoughts and reactions by STOPPING the chatter and pivoting to mindful moments.

Choose to perceive and respond to situations

Reframe situations and then respond in a way that is in alignment with your values. Happiness builds when our Sage reactions outweigh our Saboteurs reactions 3 to 1.

Take a look at what the first 6 weeks of our PQ Program looks like! The time commitment is less than 2 hours per week with your last 2 weeks being 1 on 1 coaching sessions to reflect and grow. PQ Intelligence is all about your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. Our end game in working together is increased happiness in all professional and personal facets of life

All personal and professional development become applications of the PQ operating system. Whether learning to manage conflicts, manage time, or perform better under pressure, you’d apply the same exact operating system: 

  • Intercept Saboteurs

  • Issue Self-Command (through 10-second PQ Reps)

  • Mobilize Sage (Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, Activate)

You’d be using one simple framework for a variety of applications, boosting root-level mental fitness and dramatically simplify your personal and professional development.