We are so excited to work together again! What is PQ Positive Mindset?

You’ve met Leah M Ward with Authentically Connected Coaching® and during our event together we explored the why behind PQ Positive Intelligence and really focused on our Saboteur! We learned our personal saboteurs and new ways to reframe your mindset and respond to life's challenges with a positive rather than a negative mind - but one of the most important ways to build your positive mindset is with CONSISTENCY….and that’s not always easy. As we learned, it takes a constant intention to build that aspect of our mindsets and when we feel the “hot burner” remember, we have to choose to take our hand off the hot stove! Below you’ll find quick access to take your PQ Assessment - this is a great check in to how you are doing. If you would like to share the PQ assessment with anyone please click below. For a recap of our workshop - please feel free to download a PDF copy HERE

How did HelioCampus show up as a company?

*Analytics based on 50 participants submitting data

Percentage Breakdown:

Avoider 7%

Hyper-Achiever 13%

Pleaser 19%

Victim 3%

Restless 9%

Stickler 15%

Hyper-Vigilant 14%

Hyper-Rational 7%

Controller 12%

Want to go back through your Saboteur assessment? Or send to someone? Remember, there are 50 questions - move quickly and go with the first response that comes to your mind. Don't worry about being consistent when you notice similar or overlapping questions. Also remember — for every negative saboteur reaction, we can choose to use their strengths with the SAGE perspective!

Want to continue to work with Leah M Ward? Please email: leah@authenticallyconnected.com to discuss individual or group coaching sessions or learn more about our 3 month PQ Program! We proudly offer a 15% discount to any HelioCampus employee.

We strive to help clients build and sustain a positive mindset - Life can be challenging, and we’re here to help what we can control….our actions, reactions, and mindset by reframing away from negative, understanding ourselves a little better and becoming more resilient, which helps us bounce back and persevere despite setbacks.

More about PQ:

PQ helps increase your Self-Awareness, Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management

PQ (your Positive Intelligence Quotient) is the measure of your Mental Fitness. It's the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. Our end game in working together is to increase our happiness in all professional and personal facets of life and to dramatically improve our performance and productivity levels with a calmer, clearer, happier mind. Gain new insights and concepts to help build your PQ muscles and help enhance our five main powers of empathize, explore, innovate, navigate, and activate!

Increase your awareness

Saboteurs can be our “go to” behaviors with negative messages we tell ourselves. Learn how to redirect these thoughts and reactions by STOPPING the chatter and pivoting to mindful moments.


Choose to perceive and respond to situations

Reframe situations and then respond in a way that is in alignment with your values. Happiness builds when our Sage reactions outweigh our Saboteurs reactions 3 to 1.


How does PQ help teams?

Most teams work too hard, experience too much conflict, friction and stress, and vastly underachieve their potential. This is because every team member is unknowingly sabotaging both their own and their team’s performance and wellbeing. We’ll enable your teams to maximize both performance and wellbeing simultaneously by focusing on the root-level mental muscles that impact both.

"This has been the most impactful training I ever experienced. You develop powerful mental muscles to deal with challenges with much less stress and greater clarity, creativity, and resilience. Every sales professional would benefit greatly from this."

Adam McGraw, Sales VP & GM, American Express

What’s the Impact:

Positive Intelligence leads to improved ➡️ Team Culture ➡️ Team Growth ➡️ Team Impact


91% Managed Stress Better

83% Improved Self Confidence

92% Better at Teamwork and Collaboration

“All stress is Saboteur generated.”

— Shirzad Chamine