Discover a new way through coaching

Coaching is for everyone, at any level, as long as they want and are willing and open to take that next step.

"Each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen." - Pete Carroll

Authentically Connected Coaching

Leah M Ward with Authentically Connected Coaching works with clients to help create a space for thought provoking questions to open our minds to all of our capabilities. We partner and look at our future focused conversations to deliver accountable actions and change for those who are looking for professional and personal confidence about their goals and value building self awareness and authentic growth.

Our coaching offers different paths for your specific needs for individuals, partners, small businesses or teams, our coaching is all centered around your success, confidence, awareness and accountability in your progress.

Coaching Paths

  • Authentically Connected Coaching Path

    • Designed to set the stage to identify intentions for the future, gain a better understanding of who you are, wish to become, and to reach clarity of vision, while taking bold action steps towards achieving their authentic potential. Focusing on your internal identity to help uncover the your core values. Helping to facilitate increased self-awareness for those interested in achieving personal and professional growth. Helping to develop more self-esteem and confidence in order to make desired changes in their life.

  • Goal Setting Coaching Path

    • Designed to help focus on your goals. Helping dive deeper to find your purpose, value, direction, performance and personal satisfaction to achieve your goals at a much deeper level. Our intention is to work together to design and plan your goals with clarity and the tools you need to succeed.

  • Financial Empowerment Coaching Path

    • Designed to help you you understand your emotional connections to your spending habits. Despite the social pressures to spend and shop, most people find that their spending does not create happiness. The fields of behavioral finance and brain research have answers for what creates real fulfillment and why overspending backfires. We reframe our taught linear view of Income, Expenses and Budgets, to a Mindful Financial view by breaking down our expenses to Day-to-Day Spending, Fixed Recurring, and Non Recurring to reduce stresses and gain a better understanding of what you are actually spending. This coaching is to prepare you to take the next step to a financial advisor and a successful financial future! (Uses YNAB for easy financial reporting)Financial Empowerment Coaching Path

  • Group Coaching

    • The heart of the group coaching experience is a shared learning experience it offers participants. This shared learning environment can help bring more accountability in their own growth and development as they are encouraged and witnessed by others in their groups. As a coach, we'll partner with the group to bring thought-provoking questions to help build individual creative growth. The process is designed to support everyone as they make changes, develop goals, make connections and insights and take action toward they they want to be!

Coaching Packages & Pricing

Intro 4 Session Coaching Pack


4 One on One Coaching 1HR Sessions 

  • DISC+Values debrief (included in coaching session 3) 

  • DISC+Values 54 page PDF report 

  • Mini Accountability Check Ins (via phone or email) to use at your discretion during your into package

Copy of Copy of Orange Restaurant Back to Business Landscape Banner.png

Total Investment $700

New Clients Only* Must be used within 3 months of purchase date - Payment plan available

*Pricing may vary depending on coaching path & needs - these are our base pricing estimates*

Single Session Purchase

Starting at $225 Per Session

Bi-Monthly Session Coaching Contract (6 Sessions)

$200 Per Session
Total Investment $1200

Must be used within 1 year of purchase date - monthly auto-scheduled + payments plans available

Includes monthly accountability check-ins - Discounts on programs, extra sessions & assessment purchases

Monthly Session Coaching Contract (12 Sessions)

$175 Per Session
Total Investment $2100

Must be used within 1 year of purchase date - monthly auto-scheduled + payments plans available

Includes monthly accountability check-ins - Discounts on programs, extra sessions & assessment purchases

 Monthly Group Coaching

Starting at $67.50 per group session

Next group session starts Nov 2021! Limited Space!

The heart of the group coaching experience is a shared learning experience it offers participants.  This shared learning environment can help bring more accountability in their own growth and development as they are encouraged and witnessed by others in their groups.  As a coach, we'll partner with the group to bring thought-provoking questions to help build individual creative growth.  The process is designed to support everyone as they make changes, develop goals, make connections and insights and take action toward they they want to be! All sessions will be virtually held.




Interested in Group Coaching?


The heart of the group coaching experience is a shared learning experience it offers participants. ย This shared learning environment can help bring more accountability in their own growth and development as they are encouraged and witnessed by others in their groups. ย As a coach, we'll partner with the group to bring thought-provoking questions to help build individual creative growth. ย The process is designed to support everyone as they make changes, develop goals, make connections and insights and take action toward they they want to be!


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All participants need to be open, vulnerable and actively engaged. The magic of coaching happens when everyone contributes to the group. Passively watching on the sidelines will not yield results. 

Limited Spaces for group coaching.