Individual Assessments

The best gifts are understanding. One 30 min coaching session to dig into your DISC or DISC+Values results & discuss all the ways to become more successful in your personal and professional life.

Discover your communication and behavioral preferences & styles!


We hope you enjoy your full DISC Assessment to increase your self-awareness and maximize your communications, self awareness and performance.

Here are a few guidelines to help you as you complete this assessment:

  • Allow for a minimum of 5-10 minutes;

  • Take the assessment when you have no outside distractions.

  • Move quickly! When giving your responses, go with your gut feelings.

  • Complete the assessment in one sitting. Once you begin the assessment, you must complete the assessment for your results to be valid; you cannot stop and start.

  • Keep in mind, this is not a testโ€”there are no right or wrong answers.

If you are still interested in learning more about DISC+Values, please click the button and fill out the form below to discuss how this comprehensive tool could help you and your team be as successful as possible! Shop Local Raleigh members will receive a 10% discount on all services!

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